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bi-directional language造句

"bi-directional language"是什么意思  
  • Bi - directional language features in visual studio
    > visual studio中的双向语言功能
  • Creating applications for bi - directional languages with visual studio
    >在visual studio中为双向语言创建应用程序
  • Bi - directional language features in visual studio visual studio includes support for
    Visual studio中的双向语言功能
  • Console applications do not include text support for bi - directional languages
  • At design time in visual studio , you can use bi - directional languages in these ways
    在visual studio中,可在设计时按如下方式使用双向语言:
  • Visual studio allows you to work with bi - directional languages as you create applications
    Visual studio允许您在创建应用程序时使用双向语言。
  • You can save files with specific character encoding to support bi - directional languages
  • You can enter text in a bi - directional language , but the reading order is always left - to - right
  • Windows applications , which employ a graphical user interface , support bi - directional languages
  • You can use bi - directional languages to assign names to solutions , projects , files , folders , and so on
  • It's difficult to see bi-directional language in a sentence. 用bi-directional language造句挺难的
  • In code , you can use bi - directional languages for the names of variables , classes , object , attributes , metadata , and other elements
  • Other features common to bi - directional language applications are not fully supported in visual studio , or in some cases , not at all
    Visual studio不完全支持(在有些情况下根本不支持)双向语言应用程序的其他常见功能。
  • In order to enter and display bi - directional languages , you must be working with a version of windows that is configured with the appropriate language
  • Web services likewise support and receiving sending utf - 8 and unicode text , making them suitable for applications involving bi - directional languages
    Web服务同样支持发送和收发utf - 8及unicode文本,从而使它们适用于涉及双向语言的应用程序。
如何用bi-directional language造句,用bi-directional language造句bi-directional language in a sentence, 用bi-directional language造句和bi-directional language的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。